In the world of Web Design and Technology, we are quickly getting to the point where it is almost impossible to create different layout and designs for the endless new resolutions and devices, Its sounds to be impractical to have a number of layouts to match the endless resolutions screens available these days. Earlier it was fine to have a website version which is compatible with Desktop and, a mobile version which is compatible with mobiles, website version used to say, and mobile version was referred as, nowadays every client is demanding to have a website which is feasible with all the screen sizes either its Desktop, Large Screens, Android, Tablets, iPhone.
Does that mean we should suffer the consequences to loose visitors from one device, for the benefit of gaining visitors from another device?
Obviously a BIG NO, no one wants to loose their visitors from any of the devices.
So, Here comes the hottest topic in demand, RESPONSIVE DESIGN
Responsive design is the hottest topic in front-end Web development right now.It’s going to transform the Web into an all singing, all-dancing, all-devices party.
Yes, Responsive Design is the best solution to be in the market with up-to-date technology, Its responsive design which will take care for you to maintain your layout in all kind of devices from Blackberry, Android, iPhone to Larger Screens.
Design: flexible, grid-based layout
Content: flexible images and media
Implementation: media queries (the CSS that makes it all possible)
With any beautiful design or structure, there lies beneath a grid-based layout from which these creations were originally derived. It is, the unseen mathematical component of all design that, for many web designers, has become standard to create the perfect web design.
Grid layout provides the sense of uniformed structure overall the design. Which results in best usability for the visitors of a website as they feel ease in navigating and being engaged with the website as compared to the layout where content is just thrown without any structure. The efficiency of grid-based layouts is up to mark which makes it web designers key in designing. The design process is simplified with grid layouts as it creates guidelines in place, creating a comfort level for design elements.
There are different ways of making images flexible in responsive web design and images are inserted in an HTML page as “img src” and “CSS background”. The very first Challenge for the content in responsive design is the fixed dimension of an image as content can be adjusted according to the grid and space but modification of image height,width is the challenge here.
the simplest solution to this is assign “max-width:100%” and “height:auto” to the image. This will scale an image up to 100% of the containing element and make sure that the container should be in % only. In this way, image will become flexible for all the resolutions
various type of layout design such as fixed, fluid, elastic or a hybrid has kept web designers struggling around for years. Each option has its own pros and cons. by considering some factors and by setting up your design you can end up with successful layout design that has all the benefits.
fluid layout is preferred to be used for responsive design it is also referred to as a liquid layout, the majority of the components inside have percentage widths, and thus adjust to the user’s screen resolution.
Media queries are the third pillar in the implementation of responsive design. Without media queries, fluid layouts would struggle to adapt to the array of screen sizes on the hundreds of devices out there.
Fluid layouts can appear unreadable on small mobile devices and too large and chunky on larger screens.
Media queries enable us to adapt typography to the size and resolution for all kind of devices, making it a powerful tool for crafting the perfect reading experience.