If you wish to get noticed in today’s marketplace then one and only best way is to be online.
Revise you Domain and Host
Your domain name say so much while saying so little. Choose a domain name which represents your brand name, or symbolises your brand voice. It has great impact on SEO. While selecting hosting package it’s important to consider nature of your website and business both. If your website will have plenty of images, videos or any heavy content then definitely you need more space on server so as to keep the website speedy. Need to consider if you need any maintanence, technical support or responsive support from hosting provider. Analyse your requirement and then select you hosting package.
A good conversation with your target audience is necessary to understand their needs… Your design, content, information should be done by considering type and interest of your audience.
If you already have a website then its really good to thoroughly visit and analyze your website.Take a brief look at your website and pen down some of the points you feel works well for your business and also which may or may not having any benefits for you. Moreover, analyze what is more attractive for your customers and what repels them.
Device friendly
Mobile devices are more in use and the internet has made it the most powerful device in hand. Also as per Google’s latest algorithm, your site must be mobile-friendly or your search result will be affected very badly.
Customer Testimonials
Having customer testimonials increases your trust among the existing and new clients, More ratings or positive testimonials will help you attract more customers. This will also make your site look like more interactive and can act as a demonstration for your product, skills.
Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools and bing Webmaster Tools provide mechnaism for web developers to efficiently calculate the results on investment done. All these can be used to monitor traffic, engagement, and conversion rates also it hepls to identify which campaign performed with what accuracy and you can analyze the best and underperforming marketing campaigns. Google Analytics are heplful as your online store is kind of 24X7 open shop.
Call to Action
Encourage your visitors to contact you by placing Call to Action such as “Contact us today!” and allow visitors to directly call you when clicked on phone number this develops positive relationship with your customer.You can also invite visitors to susbcribe to your brand, This works well for the users who are engaged with you online to have a look around your products and then you can provide the rewards or new offers or inform them about new additions to your website.